Today I spent an hour and a half in the hospital with a friend who has been given less than a month to live.

Mostly I listened to her talk. She told me amazing stories about deep disappointments she had with her doctors, her ex-husband, her daughters, even her parents. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she described the deep hurts she had experienced.

Today I also started listening to “Archetypal Experiences Surrounding Death,” a talk given many years ago by Marie-Louise von Franz, one of Jung’s closest associates. She told this story. (I’m paraphrasing) “In a BBC interview Jung was asked a question about death, and he said that the unconscious psyche seems simply to ignore it. And that dreams behave as if life would go on as before…”

In other words, with some exceptions, even to the end, our dreams are trying to cause us to grow and progress.

Now I didn’t want my friend to die, and I was trying to get her to practice a certain spiritual tool that I hoped might prolong her life.

Was I wrong to even try? Who am I to mess with the natural order of her death?

What do you think?


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