Is there anything more reliable than the gleeful venom of the Saturday Letters in the Sports page? Here’s a beauty, one of many, from today’s L.A. Times:

My suggestion to whomever buys the Dodgers and doesn’t get the stadium parking lot, concessions, sunflower seeds, etc… Here’s what you do. Move the Dodgers back to the Coliseum, where it all began, until a new stadium can be built. Change the name to the Los Angeles Free, if you have to, so Frank McCourt doesn’t get a piece of the souvenirs and to be done with him. Let him have the parking lot, the bobble-heads, the Dodger blankets and let him live in the stadium he took from the people of Los Angeles.



It’s hard to choose, but this one wins on comprehensiveness, anger and historical sweep. I’m with you, Bruce.

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